这个由Invoice Cloud托管的新客户门户提供了许多便利. 它节省时间,让你随时随地收到账单! Going paperless is also good for the environment. 

用信用卡/借记卡或支付应用程序在线支付,你可以灵活地选择支付方式和时间. It saves you the work of writing and mailing a check.

Using the System

I am an auto-pay customer, do I need to register? 

If you are a current auto-pay customer, 您的账户将继续支付,无需采取任何进一步行动.  如果您想更改账单信息或查看账单, you will need to register on the new customer portal. 

What if I can’t locate my bill?
If your bill is not showing, 请仔细检查在搜索条件中输入的信息是否正确. For example, an exact match may be required. 输入您的帐号和姓氏的前10位数字,您的帐号就可以访问了. 您不能通过电话号码或服务地址搜索您的帐户. 

Do I have to enter an email address to make a payment?
Yes, 需要一个电子邮件地址,以便付款确认/收据可以发送到您的电子邮件收件箱.

Yes, you will receive a confirmation email.

Do I need to register to pay a bill?
Registration is not required for a ONE-TIME PAYMENT. However, by registering you’ll be able to view prior history, 设置自动付款和存储付款信息.

您还可以设置自动付款而无需注册. However, 如果您想查看账单并更改/更新付款方式, you will need to register. 

I forgot my Password. How do I access my account?
Click “Forgotten Password?” at the bottom of the login screen. 您将需要您的帐号和电子邮件地址来检索您的密码. If you’re unable to locate this information, 您可以拨打客服电话(408)279-7900寻求帮助. 


What forms of payment can I use?
You can pay online with a credit or debit card. 平台登录接受Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, PayPal, Venmo, Google Pay, Apple Pay和EFT. 

Is there a maximum limit when making a payment?
用信用卡支付时,每笔交易的最高限额为1000美元, debit card, AMEX, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Venmo, Pay Pay, etc. (any form of digital payment).  您可以在5天内支付最多三次付款(最多1000美元). After the fifth day, the system will reset. You can make another three payments within 5 days. Each transaction will be assessed a $1.75 convenience fee.   


What is a service or convenience fee?
There is a non-refundable $1.75 fee added to all digital transactions. 这包括信用卡、PayPal、Venmo、Google Pay和Apple Pay等支付方式. 此费用由InvoiceCloud添加,用于支付与计费和接受付款相关的各种管理费用. 


How will I know that my payment has been accepted?
提交付款后,您将看到一个付款确认屏幕. It will contain your payment confirmation message. 提交交易后,您还将收到一封电子邮件确认. 电子邮件将包括您的帐号,发票号码,支付金额和确认信息. If there is an issue with your payment, 您将收到一封通知您退回付款的电子邮件.

Yes, 您可以对交易的一部分使用一种付款方式,对交易的其他部分使用另一种付款方式. For example, 顾客可以把账单的总金额分成两部分,然后用信用卡支付. 账单的剩余部分可以用支票账户支付. 

How long does it take for online payments to process?
余额会立即在客户门户中更新. However, 信用卡交易立即获得授权,通常需要48小时才能从您的金融机构显示为交易. ACH交易通常需要48 - 72小时才能反映在您的银行账户中. 

Can I tell if my payment has been posted?
Yes, simply login to your customer portal and select “View paid or closed invoices.”

Where can I see my balance due?

Once you log in to your customer portal, 你会在页面的右上角看到你的当前余额 “Balance Due.”

How long is my payment history available for?
每个月,您的新账单将被添加到您的个人资料. Payment history will show up to 36 months.  

Will I be able to print a copy of my bill?

How do I change my account information?
只需登录您的InvoiceCloud帐户,在“我的个人资料”选项卡下更改您的个人信息. 如果您无法更改您的信息,您可以拨打(408)279-7900与平台登录联系. 

Advanced Features

What is AutoPay?
自动转帐是一个方便的选择,账单将自动支付每个结算周期的到期日使用您的默认信用卡或银行帐户. 你将不再需要记住什么时候付账. Login to your account and click AutoPay to enroll. A fee applies to any credit card payment.


Can I cancel AutoPay?
可以,只需登入您的InvoiceCloud帐户,然后按一下自动转帐. Select Edit, change the status to “No, I do not want AutoPay” and save. To modify, 进入您的个人资料,取消选中您之前选择加入时选中的自动转账框.

What are scheduled payments?
计划付款是在账单到期日之前的特定日期安排的个人付款. 只要在预定日期之前进行调整,就可以更改预定付款日期.

Can I start receiving paper bills again?
Yes, simply login and click Paperless. Then, select “No” and save your changes.


Is my information secure?
发票云使用互联网安全的最高标准. 支付门户中显示的帐户信息被截断以保护机密数据. 所保留的任何信息都不会与第三方共享.

Absolutely. 发票云将使用支付卡行业(PCI)兼容系统安全地存储您的财务信息. 这包括截断(缩写)帐号,以便平台登录看不到您完整的帐号信息.